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Bob Hansler and the Self Feeding Fire

self feeding fire

The self feeding fire is a machine that feeds wood directly into the campfire. Its inventor, Bob Hansler, invented it in Finland. It is popular in Sweden and Finland and offers campers a novel cooking and heating option. However, this method is impractical and unpredictable. Regardless, it is possible to build one and use it for cooking. This article looks at how it works. Read on to learn more about the self feeding fire.

Bob Hansler is the mastermind behind the self-feeding fire

Self-feeding fires have a long history in the wilderness and are a practical way to get warm and stay warm during the winter months. Bob Hansler is the mastermind behind this innovative fire technology. Designed to burn for over 14 hours, this fire system has a simple, yet effective construction. Unlike conventional fires, this one doesn't require fancy materials or tools. Instead, the logs will automatically feed themselves into the fire, and the user will never have to do a thing to make it happen.

It is a simple machine that feeds firewood into the campfire

There are two basic types of firewood processors. One type is a machine that splits and cuts firewood into smaller pieces that are easier to burn. Firewood processors typically have four main parts, each dedicated to a particular task. Logs need to be de-limbed, then cut to the correct length. Thin branches, on the other hand, will only burn for a few hours and won't produce much heat.

It is popular in Finland and Sweden

Wildfires are a major concern for Sweden and Finland, two countries that have drastically reduced their acreage destroyed by wildfires. Finland's wildfire destruction is now less than one percent of its previous yearly total. In Sweden, however, there were more than 25,000 hectares destroyed this summer. Finland and Sweden have far less dense roads and water resources than California, which makes wildfire prevention and mitigation easier.

It is a novel option for campers

Creating a self-feeding fire while camping is a novel option. While it might not be practical for every situation, some people have created videos and pictures of their fire. Others have used a horizontal log fire or a reverse fire. One camper, a former biology teacher, explains how he created his own fire using a wooden log. This type of fire can be used for cooking and heating.

It is dangerous

The problem with a self feeding fire is that it can get out of control and be impractical. Even with a manual feeder, a self-feeding fire can burn for as long as fourteen hours before it needs to be replenished. The best way to avoid this is to monitor it constantly. In addition to being impractical, self-feeding fires are dangerous because of the potential to create a large amount of smoke.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is bushcraft?

Bushcraft is an outdoor activity that teaches you how to survive in nature. Camping, hiking and canoeing are all options for those looking to get away from everything. You also have the option of backpacking or camping.

There are also more extreme forms of bushcraft, such as survival games and wilderness skills. These activities are about learning to live off the land, without any modern technology.

Many people view these activities as dangerous, because there is no way to predict what could happen. But, they also say that nature is unpredictable and that we must be ready for anything.

You can do them alone or with friends. Some people enjoy them in groups, while others prefer them to be done alone.

What skills do you need to thrive in the wilderness?

The wilderness teaches you how quickly to adapt to any situation. But there are some basic skills you need to survive.

You need to be able to read a map and understand where you are. You can easily lose track, and you will end up lost without an outline.

It is also important to learn how to navigate using stars. This includes knowing the direction of north, south and east.

But, you need to be able to calculate the distance from these directions. If you don’t know how to calculate distance, it will be difficult to determine if your trip is too far.

The next skill is survival. The next skill you need is survival.

These are skills that everyone learns as children, but few people can maintain them once they move out of home.

These skills will help you to remain alive out here.

Do you prefer a stainless-steel or high-carbon steel bushcraft knife to your favorite brand?

There are many options when choosing bushcraft knife. After you have made the decision to buy a Bushcraft knife, there are some things that you might want before you finalize your purchase.

The best way to choose a bushcraft knife is to ask yourself these questions and make sure you answer them honestly.

  1. What will you use your bushcraft knife? Do you intend to hunt game? Or perhaps cut firewood? Do you consider cutting wood more important than hunting?
  2. Do you prefer to carry your bushcraft knife in a pocket or belt pouch? In which case would you choose a smaller, medium, or large handle?
  3. Do you prefer a full-tang blade or a tangless blade? A full-tang blade attaches the entire blade to the handle. This makes it stronger and easier for you to sharpen. A half-tang blade, on the other hand, is less strong and harder to sharpen.
  4. Is it you or your partner who will be going into the wilderness? If you're bringing your bushcraft knives with you, a larger blade will be necessary. If you don't plan on taking your bushcraft blade with you, you might want a smaller one.
  5. What kinds of woods do your usually work with? Coniferous trees and woodlands can be more difficult because they contain resin. A larger blade is necessary if you are going to the wilds to cut logs or work in forests with many pines.
  6. How often do you intend to sharpen your bushcraft blade? Every time you sharpen your bushcraft knife, you're weakening its edge. A larger blade is better if your bushcraft knife is being sharpened often.
  7. How heavy are they? How much weight do you need to carry your bushcraft blade in a backpack/pack? If you're carrying a lot of extra weight, then you might need a heavier bushcraft knife.
  8. Are you strong? A lighter blade is necessary if you wish to comfortably carry your bushcraft knives. A bushcraft knife that is too heavy will not be useful if you're constantly climbing through thick undergrowth or tripping on branches and roots.
  9. How much can you spend? A bushcraft knife does not need to cost you thousands of dollars. If you have the funds to spend on something more, invest in a high-quality bushcraft knife. This is a tool that you will use daily!

How long should bushcraft blades last?

We have been asked for a recommendation on how many years our Bushcraft Knives should last. We are still unable to give an accurate answer. Although knives are made to last a lifetime there is nothing wrong with having them fixed when necessary.

The knife can handle almost any situation. However, if it does break, we will replace it. So why do we ask "How long should my knife be?" There is no right length or width.

Let's say that you find the perfect size. What would you do with it if it broke? What would you do? Would you fix it? It would be a waste of money to throw it away. Why waste your time creating something that won't hold its value?

You'd also be spending more money if it was constantly being repaired. A broken knife will always be better than a non-functional one.

So what's it all about? There is no right length and width. The user determines the length and width.

It's possible to make a knife too long or too wide. But you can't really cut anything unless you are ready. So it's best to ensure you have a blade that fits your hands perfectly.

A bushcraft blade is designed to be used. It should fit comfortably in your pocket or belt loop.

You don't have to spend a lot for a quality knife. There are many good-quality knives that are affordable and well-built. Even if the knife is $100, you'll most likely end up breaking it.

Don't ask us how long you knife should be. Make sure your knife is sharp.

Where Can You Bushcraft?

The European bushcraft movement began during World War II, when men were forced to survive in harsh conditions and without electricity or running water.

Bushcraft can be done outdoors, where you can live safely and in nature. Bushcraft is a way to learn how you can protect yourself from wild animals and extreme weather conditions.

You can find online bushcraft classes for beginners, intermediate, or advanced levels. There are also bushcraft campsites and lodges where you can stay overnight while learning.

Some bushcraft activities include hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, survival skills, orienteering, tracking, navigation, fire building, and cooking.

Participants can also improve their skills through competitions or bushcraft games.

There are many factors that make bushcrafters chooseable. Here are some:

  • To experience wilderness living in its purest form
  • To disconnect with technology and reconnect to nature
  • To travel the outdoors and to meet new people
  • Discover the beauty and wonder of nature
  • To understand our environment
  • To improve your health and fitness
  • To reduce stress and anxiety
  • To connect with family members and friends
  • To be more independent
  • To travel and visit new places
  • To gain confidence
  • Learn more about self-reliance

Here are some tips that will help you start bushcrafting.

  • Start small. You can choose one skill to master before moving onto the next. For example, if you're going to hunt, focus on bow hunting until you feel comfortable. Once you feel confident with your bow hunting skills, you can move on to shooting and stalking.
  • You need a mentor. Someone who has been through this process before can give you guidance and motivation. They can teach you everything from basic safety rules to advanced bushcraft techniques. Make sure they know their stuff!
  • Practice is the best way to improve - You don't have to master all skills in one go. It takes time and practice to master certain movements. Be patient.
  • Keep safe. Always wear appropriate clothing for the season. Avoid alcohol and drugs as they can affect your judgment. Be a good observer and follow your instincts.
  • Have fun - Enjoy the journey. The rewards will outweigh any discomforts or challenges that you might face along your journey.

How do I choose the best survival shelter?

Shelter is essential to survive. We also require food and water. But how do we choose between these two necessities?

It is simple. Shelter is more important than food because you cannot live without shelter for long periods. While food is necessary for survival, it can be essential for your life.

A shelter that protects against wind, rain, snow, heat, and cold is needed. It is also necessary to have shelter from predators.

Shelter is an absolute necessity. Shelter is an absolute necessity. But when choosing a shelter, there is more to consider than simply selecting the right material.

Shelter designs are varied. Some shelters are quite elaborate, others very simple. There are wood, metal, glass, and even plastic shelters.

But there is a fundamental principle that applies across the board. No matter what kind of shelter you select, it must provide adequate ventilation. To stay alive, you must be able to breathe.

This means that your shelter must be large enough to accommodate sufficient airflow. Shelters with multiple walls are more likely to have doors and windows.

Three elements are necessary to make a strong shelter:

  1. Solid base
  2. A roof
  3. Inner walls

Concrete blocks, logs and cinderblocks are all possible bases. These are usually stacked together to form a wall.

Roofs come in many different sizes and shapes. Many roofs are flat. However, there are some that may be sloped. Many flat roofs are covered with tarps. Sloped roofs can be covered with grasses, leaves, branches, twigs, straw, hay, or other materials.

Internal walls are used to divide rooms within the shelter. They can be as simple a few sticks on the floor or as complex as bricks, stone, cement, or other construction materials.

Why is it called bushcraft?

Bushcraft was invented during the 19th Century when British explorers began to venture further away from civilization. They needed tools to help them survive in the wild. So they started creating items out of wood and leather instead of metal. These included shelters, shelters, axes and saws as well as fire starters and fire starters.

George Leigh Mallory, his climbing partner Andrew Irvine, set out in the early 1900s to climb Mount Everest. But they died trying. Their bodies were discovered almost immediately after reaching the peak. Mallory was carrying an axe that he used to cut ice for water in the days before his death. He shared with friends his confidence in his ability to survive the Himalayan harsh environment. He stated that the axe gave confidence to him because it allowed him to be more self-reliant.

Bushcraft is a way to survive in the wilderness. Bushcrafters can be described as skilled outdoormen who rely on the land for their livelihood. They learn to make tools, weapons and clothing. Bushcraft skills include navigation and tracking, hunting, fishing trapping, fire making. Building, medicine, and gardening.


  • It's been estimated that there are more than 3,000 known knots, and I would speculate that many more have been forgotten over the centuries. (outdoorlife.com)
  • Remember the #1 rule of foraging: don't eat it unless you are 100% sure that you have the right plant. (outmoreusa.com)

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How To

What can I do to improve my wilderness survival skills

In an urbanized world, natural disasters are often not visible or thought of. We are often unprepared for the unexpected.

Learning how to survive in nature is the best way to prepare yourself for any eventuality. No matter how much we wish it would not, one day our modern conveniences will fail us. Do not wait until it is too late to make sure you are ready to face the unknown.

You will need to learn the basics, such as shelter construction, fire making, food gathering, navigation and even how to navigate. These skills are vital for any backpacker, no matter how long they're on the trail.

These skills can help you survive in the wilderness, but they also have the potential to help you navigate your way through cities. While navigating the city streets, you might encounter situations that require you to improvise. In a city environment, you're likely to encounter more difficulties than in the wild.

To help you prepare for those challenges, let's look at three ways to become better equipped for city living.

First, practice your wilderness survival skills. Practice wilderness survival skills such as how to make a fire, collect water, create shelters, or gather food in the woods. You will find your methods adaptable to city conditions with practice.

Second, practice your city survival skills. While you may not be able to carry a gun or knife when camping, it is a good idea to have a compass and a map. When you travel to big cities, you need to be ready for any kind of attack by criminals or violent individuals. Self-defense skills are necessary for urban situations.

Finally, practice your navigation skills. You will need to know the direction you are heading, no matter what terrain you walk on. You'll need to identify landmarks and follow them if you're lost. This skill will be very useful when you navigate busy streets.

Practice, practice, practice. It's not difficult to learn how survive in the wilderness. It's harder to learn how to survive in a city surrounded by concrete and metal. However, it is possible to transfer the skills from the forest to the city.

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Top 4 Bushcraft Tools For Every Outdoorsman

Bushcraft is actually an important ability for any type of outdoorsman. It includes making use of natural deposits to make tools and also homes, and also to locate food and also water.

Possessing the ideal bushcraft devices can make all the variation when you are actually out in the wild. From blades as well as axes to saws and also fire beginners, these are actually the necessary bushcraft resources that every outdoors type should have in their arsenal.

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

When you're out bushcrafting or camping, you should always bring a first aid kit. After all, it's important to be prepared for any unexpected medical emergencies! That's why it's important to make sure that your first aid kit is filled with the necessary supplies and is the best option for your needs.

You'll want to include some items in your first aid kit: bandages, gauze, and tape, antiseptic wipes, and creams, scissors and tweezers, splints and slings for broken bones or sprains, burn gels/creams, bee sting relief products, and an instant ice pack. You may also want to include cold remedies such as aspirin or ibuprofen. All of these are essential items to have on hand if anything happens while you're out camping or bushcrafting.

It's also important to remember that your first aid kits don't have to be expensive - there are many affordable options available that will suit your needs perfectly. Just make sure they come with everything you need in case of an emergency!

Best First Aid Kits on Amazon

Maps and Compasses

Map and Compass

Make sure you have a reliable map of the area you’re exploring and a compass to help you stay on track.

A compass is essential for any bushcrafting exploration since it provides a consistent way to measure directions relative to fixed points. Additionally, bringing one along will help make sure you never get lost and can find your way back. Make sure you know how to properly read a map and determine direction based on a compass reading before heading out into the wilderness.

Best Bushcraft Maps and Compasses on Amazon

Fixed-Blade Knives

Fixed-Blade Knives

A quality fixed-blade knife is the best tool in bushcraft. It is important to have a knife that can handle complex cutting tasks, as well as larger chopping tasks like cutting wood for firewood or preparing kindling.

High-carbon steel and stainless steel are both rust-resistant, easy-to-sharpen blade materials. Consider the design aspects such as grip. These features can make it safer when working with wood.

Find the Best Bushcraft Knives on Amazon

Folding Shovels

Folding Shovels

The folding survival shovel is essential for any outdoor enthusiast. Whether hiking, camping or just exploring nature, the folding survival shovel will be your dependable companion throughout your adventure.

A folding shovel is a great tool for digging, cutting, and sawing. It can dig trenches or holes for shelter, cut through roots and branches, or even saw through logs. It’s also great for clearing debris from trails or campsites. Plus, its foldable design makes it easy to store in your backpack without taking up too much space.

Best Folding Shovels

Bushcraft isn't about relying solely on modern conveniences but rather learning how to utilize what nature has given us and utilizing whatever resources we have at our disposal. With these five essentials mentioned above, everyone from first-time campers to seasoned pros will be ready to tackle whatever nature throws their way during their next round of exploration into untouched woods!

These are just some essential items every bushcrafter should own! Investing in them will ensure success during your excursion into nature!