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Top Nine Bushcraft & Woodcarving Skills Best Ever - Winter Camping - How To - Survival Tips

how to survive

Hi, friend!
The construction of the fireplace in my dugout was temporarily suspended - I caught a little cold and am sick.
While I am recovering, I decided to make a short video for you, which contains various bushcraft skills and woodcarving skills.
There were no such videos on my channel yet, this is the first video of such a plan - a small experiment :)
I hope you enjoy it.
All videos were shot by me in the winter and it was very difficult to do.

So in this video:
- Bow Saw from a Spruce branch
- Bushcraft toothbrush & ash tooth powder
- Hand carved birch bowl
- Finnish Torch - Drilled
- Feather Stick made with an Ax
- Snowshoe making
- Spoon carving
- Bird Feeder from a Piece of log
- Long Time Fire from Three logs

Thank you for watching!

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