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FULL VIDEO: 1 Year Building Bamboo House | Girl Solo Bushcraft Camping

bush shelter

Hi guys
This is a full video I recorded my construction and work for a year in this unspoiled forest. I hope everyone will see the change after a year when viewing this video. Bamboo houses are springing up, my new projects hope to make you enjoy it.
►Become a sponsor and help me on my journey:
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►You can also send your personal belongings, protective gear, or even essential household tools, if you have, please contact me via email: newlife.thuy28@gmail.com
You can visit my resort by accessing this email address: aventhuhavietnam@gmail.com
This is the place where I have linked to be able to bring you the fastest wings to my resort. Thank you
#newlife #fullvideo #bamboo #1year

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