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A Cozy Night in my Cliff Shelter, Caught in a Thunderstorm, Mushroom Hunting, Bushcraft Skills


Hi everyone!
In this video, I continue to work on improving my shelter to make it more comfortable for me. You will also see how I made a wooden floor from flat planks that I brought with me from civilization. I will also show you how you can make a wooden table and a wooden bench yourself, as well as a very practical wooden candlestick that can be used as a chandelier. I decorated the wooden corner shelf I made with autumn fruits and candles to make it more pleasing to the eye. To eat, I prepared a very tasty soup from porcini mushrooms that I picked near my shelter on the cliff. During the recording of this video, I was caught in a thunderstorm, which contributed to a very pleasant atmosphere. The night was quite noisy with the song of owls and foxes. Me and my dog ​​Lajka had a great time.

Thanks for watching, I hope you like it.

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My videos cover log cabins, shelter, winter camping, primitive technology, bushcraft, wilderness survival, cave survival, outdoor skills, outdoor cooking, DIY, fishing, and bushcraft gear like knives, saws, and axes.

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