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100 Days Solo Bushcraft - Building a Bushcraft Shelter - Solo Bushcraft Survival


Hello everyone, I'm Tuyet - a country girl with a passion for nature. I will post videos about my nature exploration trips on the channel. I hope you like it. Please support me to make a lot of great videos, please! Thank you very much!

My travels are authentic experiences of life in the wilderness. With the skills and experience of a person living in the mountains, I hope to convey my experiences to you through this video.
The content of the video series revolves around the theme of solo camping in the rainforest, with basic survival skills to be able to survive in the jungle. Hope you will like them.
I'm just starting out so my filming skills are lacking. I will try to improve it next time.
Thanks again everyone for watching.
#explorenature #solobushcraft #solocamping
explore nature,
solo camping,
solo bushcraft,
survival skills,
off grid living,
bamboo house,

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