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Bushcraft Fire Kits

Bushcraft Fire Kits

The Ultimate Fire Kit is comprised of essential items for starting reliable fires. This bushcraft survival kit is a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast. It includes a 4DB 5''x1/2'' Huge Ferro Rod, Cedar bark, Cattail fluff, Palm Husk, River Birch bark, White birch bark, Fatwood, Large Bic lighter, piece of Chert, and a 4oz tin of 4DB char cloth and 3 wax rounds in a cotton bag.

flint and steel

A flint and steel bushcraft campfire kit contains four main items for a successful fire-starting experience. First, you need something to catch the spark. Next, you'll need a nest of tinder. Place the tinder in the nest once the fire starts to catch. Once the fire is underway, add more tinder to the nest and make a lighter.

Magnesium blocks

When preparing your bushcraft fire kit, you should include Magnesium blocks. These blocks are excellent in overcoming wet environments. Unlike wood or tinder, magnesium can burn without water and can even be used to start a fire in damp materials. These blocks are made of a thin, brittle bar. They are water-resistant, windproof, and waterproof, and are often re-lit after a full submersion.

Swedish firesteel

A Swedish firesteel is an excellent addition to any bushcraft fire kit. Developed by the Swedish Department of Defense, the firesteel produces a 3,000 degree spark and can be used to ignite gas, alcohol or flammable liquid fuels. Designed for high-altitude conditions, the firesteel is also used to start a conventional gas stove. This steel is also approved by the International Survival Instructors Association and is used by many armies around the world. Survivalists and hunters alike appreciate the durability and safety features of a Swedish firesteel.

Exotac's XL

In order to create a fire in the wild, you need an appropriate bushcraft fire kit. Exotac makes a variety of different fire starting tools including the polySTRIKER XL and the 5col TinderQuik. Both of these fire starting tools are very safe, but you should still know how to use them safely to avoid burning yourself or your children. The nanoSTRIKER XL is designed to produce a hotter spark. The XL bushcraft fire kit comes with a spare compass.

Zippo emergency fire kit

If you're a wilderness survivalist, you probably know how essential a Zippo emergency bushcraft fire kit is. This lightweight kit contains five paraffin-waxed cotton rolls that burn for up to five minutes once ignited. Having this many sticks of tinder means that you can catch larger pieces of fuel. This kit also includes a lanyard and watertight plastic tube. It's easy to carry around and can start a campfire in minutes.

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