If you're looking for an axe that's specifically designed for bushcraft and survival, then there are many options out there. The main characteristics that determine a bushcraft axe's functionality are its length and material. Longer handles produce more leverage and striking power, but require more swinging space and are harder to wield in densely wooded areas. Here are some tips to help you select an axe that's right for you.
CRKT Kangee T-Hawk
If you're planning to do any bushcrafting in the woods, you'll want to invest in a CRKT Kangee T-Hak axe. This bushcrafting tool is designed for precision cutting. Its curved handle is comfortable to hold, and its checkered scales ensure maximum grip security. The Kangee handle sheath can be attached to Molle gear, and its well-balanced design means that you'll be able to control the axe with ease.
Estwing Camper's axe
The Estwing Camper's axe for Bushcraft is an excellent choice for those looking for a lightweight, compact and strong axe. Unlike a typical utility axe, this axe is made with high-quality materials and is built to last for years. But is it right for you? Here are some considerations to make before buying. First of all, the price is higher than average but you will get your money's worth.
Husqvarna multi-purpose axe
The Husqvarna Multi-Purpose Axe is a good choice for bushcrafters who are looking for an ax that can handle various tasks. Its head is made of solid steel, and it has a fiberglass composite handle that is very durable. Although it may be a bit heavy, this axe is ideal for smaller tasks such as splitting thin logs. The long handle and heavy head are also helpful for carving and splitting wood.
Marbles Hunter's axe
If you're looking for a high-quality hunting axe, the Marbles Hunter's Axe MR703 is a perfect choice. With a weight of over a kilo and a 40 centimetre handle, this axe is built to withstand the rigors of hunting. However, you'll need to be sure that you're not going to injure yourself while using it.
CT Hudson Bay
If you want to do a little bushcrafting in the woods but don't want to carry a heavy axe, you can choose the Council Tool Hudson Bay Axe. Its design is historically accurate, and it has the same weight and size as the Hudson Bay axe. It also has a 24-inch American hickory handle and a 2-pound axehead. It has all the features of an excellent bushcrafting axe, and is lighter and more comfortable to use.