While hiking or camping, teach kids basic survival skills. Point out landmarks and geographic features to help them orient themselves. This will make them more aware of their surroundings, and you'll be able to show them how to use a first-aid kit. Here are eight basic survival skills for kids:
Basic survival skills
While some basic survival skills for kids can be taught by regular outdoor activities, others will need to be learned more directly. These lessons are essential for teaching your child how to survive in emergencies and stay calm in a stressful situation. Learning about the importance of food storage, for example, can help your child last longer if a natural disaster strikes. Aside from books and movies, you can also introduce your child to these skills through age-appropriate activities.
Making and keeping a fire
Teaching your kids to make and keep a fire is a valuable survival skill. Fire keeps a person warm and is the most basic need for survival. Unless you are in a desert or a place where there are no natural resources, your body can survive for up to three days without water. Even if you do have enough water, you need to be careful not to get sick from drinking contaminated water. In most cases, natural spring water is safe to drink.
Using a first-aid kit
If you want to make survival skills fun and exciting for your children, you can teach them how to use a first-aid kit. A simple first-aid kit should have all of the basics of treating a wound, from applying ice to making a bandage. Even basic first-aid techniques like bandaging and disinfecting a wound can save a life. Besides bandages, a basic first-aid kit should also contain things like gauze, cotton swabs, sanitizers, and safety pins.
Staying safe while camping
Children can be attracted to colorful and shiny camp supplies. Parents should explain that camping supplies can be hazardous, and stress that they must ask permission before touching them. Kids should also learn about body safety and what to do if they feel ill. Children with special needs need to know who to talk to in case they get ill. Camping with children should be fun, but parents should also follow these guidelines for keeping kids safe while camping.
Self-defense training
The importance of self-defense training for kids as survival skills cannot be stressed enough. However, before starting this course, parents should ensure that the child is mature enough. There is no set minimum age for learning self-defense. Besides, children absorb knowledge faster than adults do. That is why it is imperative for parents to choose a good instructor who shares the same values as the child. Here are some of the things parents need to look for when choosing a self-defense training program for children.
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