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Top 5 Survival Plants

Top 5 Survival Plants

Conifers are a fantastic survival plant, as they have dense foliage that can be used to build shelters. Most conifers are evergreen, so they can be harvested at any time of year, despite the fact that this means harvesting live trees. This has a longer-term effect on the landscape, so it's best to harvest coniferous foliage only when a true need arises and where there is a plentiful supply of the material in the local area.

Parasitism is the most aggressive survival strategy

Parasitism is a survival strategy used by certain plants and animals to survive. It involves pilfering resources from their host in exchange for nutrients and energy. The parasite does not wish to kill its host, but it does aim to deplete its source of nourishment.

Lentils are a protein powerhouse

Lentils are a versatile, inexpensive food that packs a powerful nutritional punch. They have a shelf life of 30 years and can be eaten raw, cooked, or added to soups and stews. They can also be served over long-grain white rice.


Cattails are a survival plant that grows almost anywhere. In summer, cattails begin to mature, with a few shoots poking through the stalk. These shoots are edible and can be ground into flour for making bread or soup. Pollen from the seed heads can also be harvested for use in cooking.


Bulrushes are one of the most important plants in wetlands. They not only provide habitat for a variety of birds and other wildlife, they also trap beneficial bacteria in their roots. In addition to this, bulrushes protect water bodies by filtering out toxins and microbes. Additionally, bulrushes are edible, and their pulp is used in cooking and salads.

Lady slippers

Lady slippers are not rare and can be found on plant rescues. However, this species is notoriously difficult to transplant, and it needs a specific fungus to set up home. These fungi feed off the plant's metabolites, which in turn allows Lady slippers to flourish.

Yucca elata

Yucca elata is able to survive in a variety of conditions. It grows best in well-drained soil and thrives during hot, dry summers. During winter, watering should be reduced to once a month. It prefers a neutral or slightly alkaline soil, but will tolerate a wide pH range. The plant does not need fertilizer and requires minimal care. However, if you want to boost its growth, you can apply a common insecticide to the plant's leaves and stems.

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