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Survival Skills During Cyclones

Survival Skills During Cyclones

When you are in a building, you need to find a safe place away from windows and doors and keep your emergency kit close by. Also, use blankets and rugs to protect yourself from the winds. You can also place rugs underneath benches or water pipes. You should remain calm even though the winds may appear to be calm for a while, because you never know when the storm will resume.


While there are numerous safety precautions that can be taken, one of the most important of these is to learn how to build a fire. This skill will allow you to cook and clean and will increase your ability to consume a wider range of foods. If you do not know how to build a fire, you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

In addition to learning how to start a fire, you also need to be able to protect your home from water. This is especially important if you live in a tropical cyclone area. It is also a good idea to pack a waterproof bag and a first-aid kit. You should also make sure to check the property of your neighbours and secure large items. It is also wise to fill up the tanks in your vehicle in case of emergency. If you are travelling, listen to local news stations for advice.

Metal shutters

If you live in an area prone to cyclones, installing metal shutters will help you protect your home from flying debris. These shutters are also a great way to protect the window and door frames from damage. While damaged window panes are easily replaced, damaged mainframes can compromise the integrity of your home and pose a threat to your life. The most economical and effective way to protect your property from cyclones is to install exterior window shutters. These shutters come in a variety of styles and materials, which means you can get the most effective protection for your home.

These shutters are a permanent solution for your windows and offer protection against flying debris and strong winds. You can also install flood alarms to detect if there is water in lower parts of your house and install sump pumps to remove any standing water.

Storm cellar

If you want to be safe during a cyclone, you need to know how to make a storm cellar. These are underground structures that can be accessed by a ladder or built-in stairway. They can be installed under any part of your house and can be equipped with a toilet, a couch, and even a bed. They come in four sizes and can be custom-made to fit your needs.