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Survival Basics - Things You Must Know

Survival Basics - Things You Must Know

The survival basics list must always start with food. Food is essential not only for keeping your body warm, but it also helps in the mental game. It also helps deter predators. Having fire is also important for cooking. Even if you can get by on bugs, it is still better to have a fire. Developing your fire-starting skills is important, as you will need these skills in the long run.

Remaining calm in a survival situation

The most important skill to have in survival situations is the ability to remain calm. Stress hormones can cloud your judgment and make it difficult to think clearly. If you want to remain calm in a survival situation, you must be aware of what you are doing and how you are doing it.

Food comes before a fire on a survival basics list

Food should always come before a fire on a survival basics checklist. Fire is important to keep your camp warm and deter predators. It is also important for cooking purposes. While bugs can be eaten raw without cooking, it is still better to have a fire than be left without a source of food. Learning how to start a fire is an important survival skill to have for the long term.

First aid

Knowing how to perform first aid is important in survival situations. This training can be helpful not only for the immediate treatment of injury but can help prevent further complications. This kind of training also helps people to protect their safety and stay calm in times of distress. First aid training teaches people to assess the situation and act accordingly. They also learn to stay conscious about the safety of others. Knowing how to use basic first aid can save a life.


Shelter is a basic survival need for many people. It is a place to rest, keep food, and water. It is also a great place to store equipment. Ideally, it should be located near a good water source. The last thing you want is to be lugging heavy water containers all over the place. Shelter also offers you a place to recuperate from illness. Having somewhere to stay during a disaster can help boost your morale and keep you focused.


Signaling for help is one of the most important survival basics, and one that you'll need to consider if you ever get lost. If there are no other communication options, signaling with a visual signal will help people know that you're in need of help. Visual signals include fire and smoke, signal mirrors, flares, flashlights, and strobe lights. You should choose a site that has good visibility and is easily visible to people in the area.


Learning survival basics like survival knots can increase your chances of survival in a variety of circumstances. These skills can be useful during hiking, kayaking, or camping trips. They are also useful in a disaster situation.