Every proper understands the value of personal readiness, particularly when it comes to food on hand. When the big one happens and the balloon goes up, grocery stores will empty out in no time flat and there won’t be any more food coming.

the inside of an LDS cannery facility
Accordingly, it’s up to us to be ready to feed ourselves, our families, our neighbors and, if necessary, our communities.
One supplier that has taken that mandate very seriously is the Mormon Church. To that end, they set up and operate various canneries across the nation that would allow anyone, Mormon or not, to can their own food and purchase bulk staples to be ready for hard times.
These canneries are a convenient, affordable and efficient choice for any prepper who needs to pad their pantry a little bit, or even make the big purchase to fully outfit their apocalypse stash. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you everything you need to know about these LDS Canneries.
Once Upon a Time, You Could Can Your Own Food at an LDS Cannery
Before I tell you about the LDS Cannery today, it’s instructive to tell you a little bit about its past…
For decades, LDS canneries set up all across the United States of America were places where you could go to, in person, can your own food in large, #10 cans and others using on-site equipment and expertise.
They would even let you rent canning equipment- equipment that was very expensive for a consumer to purchase, mind you- to can it at home if preferred, and they’d also sell you lots of staples and other related gear and food storage supplies.
These institutions were set up to help further the church’s stated mission of providential living.
However, in the past decade and a little beyond, the canneries have slowly moved away from those means of achieving their mission, doing away with the on-site DIY canning and transitioning into sales outlets where customers can purchase professionally and safely canned bulk goods themselves.
The last LDS Cannery halted the on-site canning operations for customers, and the renting of canning equipment, in the fall of 2016.
So You Can’t “Can Your Own” at the Canneries Any More?
No. On-site canning and support ended in the fall of 2016. Presently, all 100+ LDS canneries no longer offer canning services, support, or rentals, and instead sell pre-canned food with a very long shelf life.
LDS Canneries are Now Known as Home Storage Centers
Accordingly, since the LDS Canneries don’t do very much canning anymore, they’re now officially known as Home Storage Centers.
However, old habits and lingo die hard, and you’ll often hear the Home Storage Centers still referred to as LDS Canneries by folks who have been using them for a long time, although internally the church has corrected all literature, references, and outreach referring to them as such to the new terminology.
But, rest assured, if you’re talking to another prepper and mention an “LDS Cannery,” assuming they’ve been prepping for any length of time they’ll know exactly what you mean.
Today, LDS Home Storage Centers Sell Staple Foods in Bulk at Great Prices
One of the biggest issues with purchasing your prepping foods at the grocery store is the fact that you’re going to pay more for less food. Most groceries don’t offer truly large bulk sizes, and even if they do, the price isn’t as good as it could be.
That isn’t the case at the LDS Home Storage Centers. All of the centers, today, sell large #10 cans full of all kinds of staples, both dry and wet goods, and sometimes even larger quantities.
Food in this format offers a much better price-per-unit compared to anything you buy at the grocery store, coupons or not, and is often superior to many big box club stores like Sam’s Club and Costco if you compare apples to apples- literally!
Plus, #10 cans have a huge advantage in terms of durability, space efficiency, and longevity. The LDS Home Storage Centers publish guidelines on just how long you can expect all of their canned food to last, and much of it will last for at least a decade and often two decades or longer!
This makes it a financial and logistical win for all preppers who want to take advantage of them.
What Kinds of Foods Can You Buy at an LDS Cannery?
The food you can buy at the LDS Home Storage Centers is very simple, but it checks all of the boxes for basic readiness, nutrition, and longevity. New foods are being added routinely, but slowly as a rule.
Just a few of the staples you can find at any HSC include:
- Dry beans, including white, black, and pinto beans
- Refried beans
- dehydrated carrots
- hot chocolate mix
- fruit drink mix
- flour
- pasta
- dry milk
- various kinds of oats
- dehydrated vegetables like onions and potatoes
- rice
- sugar
- wheat
- honey
- and more!
They also still sell some relevant food storage gear, including sturdy storage boxes, water filtration equipment, and reusable lids for resealing opened cans.
As long as you can take care of food preparation yourself and know how to whip up meals in the kitchen, all of these items together can definitely keep you alive and give you a pretty substantial if rudimentary menu.
Can Anyone Buy at an LDS Home Storage Center?
Yes, they can! The Home Storage Centers are not just open to the members and friends of the Mormon church… They’re open to the public and anyone who cares to go can purchase food from them.
All the ones I have visited, or inquired with, have been staffed by genuinely helpful and friendly people, so you don’t need to be worried about any awkwardness or anything like that if you’re going to call or visit. They’ll be glad to have you, and you should definitely take advantage of their prices, convenience, and availability!
Home Storage Centers Will Ship to You, Too!
There are surprisingly many Home Storage Centers around the United States, with roughly 100 still in operation…
That said, they’re nowhere near as common as club stores, Wal-Marts, and other big box stores so you might have to travel a little ways to get to one. You might travel, or you could just have them ship directly to your home address!
It’s true: by paying a fee for shipping they will pack and send your order right to your front door.
Obviously, bulk shipping like this can get pretty pricey and it will eat into your savings a little bit, but in my experience and after talking to other people who’ve made use of the service, it’s still a much better deal for a lot more food compared to buying a billion smaller cans at your local grocery.
Find a Home Storage Center Near You
If you want to visit an LDS Home Storage Center your best bet is to use the locator on their website. This locator will give you their address, hours of operation, and other need-to-know information.
Even if the drive for you is a bit too far away to make it convenient or logistically doable considering the amount of food you need to buy, you can always call them and discuss shipping.
Check out the link and you can find the closest center to you in no time.
The post What You Need to Know about LDS Canneries appeared first on Survival Sullivan.
By: Tom Marlowe
Title: What You Need to Know about LDS Canneries
Sourced From: www.survivalsullivan.com/lds-canneries/
Published Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 10:24:58 +0000
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